Friday, March 6, 2020

My Work Ethics Essay

My Work Ethics Essay My Work Ethics Essay Crystal Briscoe Sept. 13, 2013 Management My Work Ethics My work ethics are to me about the same way I live in general. I live fast, work hard, and play right. I strive to do the best I can in general with everything that I do. In the work place, trust among workers mean a lot to me. I have to be able to trust my co-workers that they get their job done and correctly as they expect the same out of me. I really strive to be very dependable. I usually come at least a few minutes early to get situated and prepared for the day. If I know I’m going to be late, I call even if’s only going to be a few minutes. Sometimes I may have to call off work completely for a day. This is when I call my manager as soon as possible to let him/her know. I know how stressful it can be on the rest of the workers if they cannot find a replacement for my position. It hurts everyone if they don’t because that means they have to do my job and theirs. Teamwork is a lot of my work ethics also . Without teamwork, your job is never done. One person is not capable to do everything. When teamwork is done together and the job is completed, it feels good knowing that it is done. I think I have really good communication skills. I deal with the public every day and I enjoy it. Communicating with fellow workers makes my day go bye easier and I learn from them also. Respect goes a long way in the workforce. Without respect for one another, employees argue, fuss and fight. None of these factors belong in the workforce. A happy workplace is a healthy and usually a thriving company or job. I like to learn new things when I’m at work. To me, the more I